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Labor Studies Guide

Labor Studies Guide

Articles & Databases

Articles and Databases


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Labor Studies Resources

UC-Berkeley Labor Center - carries out research on topics such as job quality and workforce development issues, and we work with unions, government, and employers to develop innovative policy perspectives and programs.

Department of Labor Research Resources - contains resources from the Office of Support Services (OSS), Office of Worker Safety, Health and Environment (OWSHE), Office of Facility Operations (OFO), Office of Real and Personal Property (ORPP) and the Wirtz Labor Library.

Pew Research Center for the People and the Press - Summaries of results from an independent public opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics, and public policy issues; provided by the Center. - Nonpartisan site which reports poll data on topics of national, political, economic, and sociocultural interest; sources include: Gallup, Harris, CNN, CBS/NYT, and NBC/WSJ; provided by The Polling Report, Inc.