Research Help Desk:
Search strategy: incorporate keywords relating to corporate responsibility in addition to the company or industry name you are researching.
Starting point keyword searches may include:
Books on responsible business topics can be found through OneSearch.
Try a simple search: (putting the terms in quotes prompts the system to look for exact phrases)
Run your search, then refine your results as needed using the filters on the left side of the page.
Some responsible business books in our collection:
A brief list of high use responsible business journals.
To check for a journal title not on this list, please use the library's List of Journal Titles.
CSUMB students, faculty and staff may use CSU+ Resource Sharing (a service integrated into OneSearch) for ordering books, articles and media held at other CSUs as well as borrow books found using MOBAC regional catalogs.
Links out to company profiles and rankings resources, standards search tools, and responsible business and sustainability reporting frameworks, principles, and guidelines. Also visit CSUMB Library's guide to Evaluating Websites & Internet Resources.
Try these keywords when searching for information about your topic: