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Theater Arts Research Guide

About this guide

Where am I?

The purpose of this guide is to help students become familiar with library resources appropriate for researching theater arts and theater arts-related topics. See below for help identifying the best databases to search, and the best books, journals, and websites to read to learn about theater arts. You can also contact the librarian for help.

Articles & Databases

Articles & Databases

Books in the CSUMB Library

To find print or e-Books in the CSUMB library, try a keyword search in OneSearch. Or you can search or browse our e-Book collections below.


ProQuest e-Book Central

Browse theater arts books

ACLS Humanities e-Book Collection

Core Journals -- Theater Arts

Below is a sample of some of the most widely read academic journals in the area of theater arts. To see which databases to search for articles in one of these publications, enter the title of the journal into the Journals List.

American Theatre Magazine

Asian Theatre Journal

Canadian Theatre Review


Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism

Latin American Theatre Review

New England Theatre Journal

New Theatre Quarterly

PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art

Shakespeare Quarterly

South African Theatre Journal

TD&T Theatre Design & Technology

TDR (The Drama Review)

Theatre Journal