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Beige Book Archive

  • Bi-monthly economic report published by the U.S. Federal Reserve

Economy at a GlanceHomepage

  • Free website
  • From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

U.S. State Economic Profiles

  • Current multi-page state economic reports from IBISWorld

California Economic and Revenue Updates

  • Monthly report from the California State Department of Finance

First Research U.S. State Profiles


Survey of Current Business

  • Monthly journal report published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
  • 1921 — present

Economic Report of the PresidentCover page

  • Current and past editions

OECD Economic Surveys: United StatesCover page

  • Lengthy periodic reports from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development



OECD Economic SurveysReport cover page

  • Details on over thirty-five countries
  • Published on sporadic years
  • From the library's Business Source Premier database