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Can I read The New York Times without registering for an account?
The New York Times requires a paid subscription for full access to its website If you do not have a subscription, you may only read up to 5 free articles per month. The New York Times subscription offered by the library gives you unlimited access to all content on the website with the exception of archived articles from 1923 to 1980. Within that date rage, you may only access up to 5 articles per day. For access to older New York Times articles (1851-2009), you can use the library's New York Times Historical database.
Can existing NYT digital subscribers register for the subscription provided by the library?
If you have an existing digital subscription using your email address, you must cancel your current subscription to sign up for access to the library's subscription. If you wish to keep your existing personal account (and just cancel the paid subscription), we suggest changing the email address on your current account to something other than your email address before canceling. That will allow you to activate your CSUMB account 24 hours afterward. To cancel, please visit this link.
Can I access The New York Times from off-campus?
Yes, after you create an account, you may access The New York Times from anywhere so long as you are logged in.
Can I access The New York Times from my mobile device?
Yes, you may access on any device (computer, smartphone, or tablet) with a browser.
How do I renew my account after 364 days have passed?
Visit and search for California State University--Monterey Bay. On the registration page, click the "Already have an account? Log in here" link. You will see an on-screen confirmation that your access has been reactivated with a new expiration date.
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