Research Help Desk:
Articles and Databases
Gale Virtual Reference Library provides access to a range of different encyclopedias related to computing.
CSUMB students, faculty and staff may use CSU+ Resource Sharing (a service integrated into OneSearch) for ordering books and media held at other CSUs and institutions.
Foreign Affairs Online - Includes categories: General Reference, Map Resources, Media, US Government, Foreign States, UN, NGOs and IGOs, International Law, Human Rights, International Relations, Think Tanks, and Digital Divide; provided by Robert J. Beck.
Government in Latin America - Includes categories: Government, Human Rights, Law & Justice, Military, and Political Science; many sites are not in English; provided by Latin American Network Information Center, University of Texas.
ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) - Provides a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction; for information about access and use, CSUMB students, faculty and staff should contact the campus ICPSR representative, Dr. Jennifer Dyer-Seymour (SBS); provided by the University of Michigan.
Pew Research Center for the People and the Press - Summaries of results from an independent public opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics, and public policy issues; provided by the Center. - Nonpartisan site which reports poll data on topics of national, political, economic, and sociocultural interest; sources include: Gallup, Harris, CNN, CBS/NYT, and NBC/WSJ; provided by The Polling Report, Inc.
Project Vote Smart - Tracks more than 40,000 current elected officials and candidates; includes voting records, issues and background information, campaign finances and performance evaluations; zip code access to listings of state and federal representatives; provided by Project Vote Smart.
Public Policy Institute of California - Private, nonprofit organization which sponsors research on major economic, social and political issues affecting the state; includes the full text of published reports; provided by the Institute. - Includes comparative information on the public policies of all 50 states, searchable by state or by issue (e.g., healthcare or election reform); contains current and archived news and background information about the states and their governments; provided the Pew Center on the States.
California Ballot Propositions - Lists and summarizes all California Ballot Propositions from 1884 to present and whether the proposition passed or failed. Provided by the Los Angeles County Law Library.
Legal Information Institute - Includes categories: Law About..., Constitutions and Codes, Court Opinions, and Law by Source or Jurisdiction; provided by Cornell University Law School.
California Legislative Information website - Official site for California legislative information; includes text of California Codes and text, status, analysis, and votes for Assembly and Senate bills; provided by the Legislative Counsel.
Nolo Law Centers - Includes Nolo's Legal Encyclopedia and Nolo?s Law Dictionary. Provides answers to legal questions in plain English. Provided by Nolo Press.
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics - Includes data from more than 100 sources about all aspects of criminal justice in the U.S.; presented in over 600 tables available in Adobe Acrobat format; provided by the University of Albany and the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.