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Citation Managers

Why use Mendeley

Benefits of using a reference manager software

Why use a reference management system: Using such system like Mendeley or Zotero facilitates the process of collecting, organizing articles/sources. It will also reduce the time that is spent on creating in-text citations and reference lists.


Mendeley is a free reference manager software that can be accessed virtually. You may access the software completely online or you may download the cloud based application that can be accessed offline. 


Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of using Mendeley:

Beneficios de usar un software de gestión de referencias

Por qué utilizar un sistema de gestión de referencias: el uso de sistemas como Mendeley o Zotero facilita el proceso de recopilación y organización de artículos/fuentes. También reducirá el tiempo que se dedica a crear citas en el texto y listas de referencias.

Beneficios de Mendeley

Mendeley es un software gratuito de gestión de referencias al que se puede acceder virtualmente. Puede acceder al software completamente en línea o puede descargar la aplicación basada en la nube a la que se puede acceder sin conexión.

Mendeley facilita el proceso cuando se trata de:

1. Recopilación de artículos y referencias.

2. Organización de referencias

3. Creación automática de citas de texto y listas de referencias en el formato de cita adecuado

4. Importe, lea, anote y resalte artículos pdf

5. Compartir artículos de revistas con compañeros

6. Mendeley es propiedad de Elsevier, por lo que proporciona una función de búsqueda.

7. Acceda a Mendeley Library a través de todos los software Linux, Microsoft, MacOS, IOS y Android

How to Get Started


Parts of Mendeley

Mendeley Reference Manager  Cloud Application

  • Available for free download from the Mendeley website
  • Works with a variety of operating systems


Web Importer

  • Browser-based tool used to add sources to Mendeley
  • Works with different browsers
  • Note: 
    • Your extension may look different but it will have the M for Mendeley 
    • Once you have login you will be able to select the collection/folder you would like the article to be stored. 



Word Citation plugin

  • Integrates Mendeley within Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, and BibTeX


Mendeley online account

  • Coordinates sources among multiple devices
  • Facilitates group projects 


Downloading and Installing Mendeley

Steps to downloading and installing Mendeley

  1. Visit and click Download.  
  2. On the download page, select the Mendeley Reference Manager software which is compatible with (Mac, Windows, or Linux).
  3. You'll need to create an online Mendeley account. Click Create account (top right corner), and follow the prompts. The free account gives you two gb of cloud space, the ability to create one private group with a maximum of three users. Paid options allow you to increase those limits.
  4. Once you have your account set up, you can edit your profile to share additional details about yourself with colleagues you connect to through Mendeley. You can also mark publications in your library for which you are the author, and Mendeley will track page view, reader and download statistics on those articles for
  5. After installing the application you'll be asked to login to begin using the Mendeley.   
  6. Web Importer: To install the web importer click the link provided then go to get web importer & follow the instructions. 
  7. MS Word Plugin usually installs automatically when you download the application. But if needed go under tools install to install MS Word Plugin (if you use Microsoft Word).