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College of Business/Library Update

Library news mainly intended for COB administrators, faculty, and staff. Maintained by Business Librarian Stephen Fadel.

Video by WRDS

Video by WRDSVideo by WRDS

Wharton Research Data Services now provides a large and growing collection of short instruction videos that are free to access online—no username or password required. Audio quality varies. Topics covered include:

Business Librarian consultations

Business Librarian consultations

As the Business Librarian, I am available for one-on-one research help, in-person or online, for students throughout the academic term. Recent statistics indicate a decrease in the number of consultations during the fall 2022 semester. Please feel free to direct business students that need research assistance to me. I'm happy to try and help.


To schedule an appointment, students should email me, Stephen Fadel, at

Data and statistical sources

Data and statistical sourcesIntroduction to PolicyMap video

Librarians are in the process of revising the library's Statistical Information webpage.

In the meantime, three new how-to YouTube videos on finding statistics are available. The videos are:


Fall 2022 library instruction review

Fall 2022 library instruction review

In fall 2022, there were eleven library instruction sessions held for sections from four different College of Business classes. The Business Librarian met with the following classes: 

  • BUS 304: Business Communication, Pro-seminar, and Critical Thinking, five sections taught in-person, one section taught online
  • BUS 499: Strategic Management, three sections taught in-person
  • BUS 601: Responsible Business Communication, one sections taught online
  • HOSP 471: Ecotourism Management, one section taught online

 More information about course-integrated library instruction is available on the Business Faculty Library Guide. To schedule library instruction for the upcoming term, contact Stephen Fadel, the business librarian, at or call 831-582-3794.