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Business Faculty Library Guide

Scheduling library instruction

Scheduling library instruction

  • Book early (two weeks minimum notice preferred)
  • Library session timing is critical (i.e., students should be working on their assignment and focused on real outcomes)
  • Expect the business librarian to ask for a copy of the class syllabus and the course assignment
  • Shorter, more frequent sessions tend to be better than one very long session

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Popular business research skills

Popular business research skillsMagnifying glass


Students should be able to:

  • articulate business research goal
  • understand characteristics and availability of business information sources and content
  • consider if information is available and who is likely to provide the information
  • adjust research strategies based on search results
  • apply assessment criteria to evaluate business information
  • utilize proxy content (i.e., information that is closely related to, but not precisely matching, the ideal information sought during a query)
  • properly attribute sources


Company research

Students should be able to:

  • locate, review, evaluate, and synthesize company-created content 
  • find and use government filings
  • gather and utilize third party company reports such as MarketLine Company Profiles 

Industry research

Students should be able to:

  • recognize that an industry's characteristics affect availability of information (e.g., emerging vs a traditional industry)
  • locate and utilize third-party industry reports such as IBISWorld Industry Reports
  • identify industry leaders and market share
  • locate and review relevant trade associations
  • search, evaluate, and use information from relevant trade journals/magazines


Market research

Students should be able to:

  • identify appropriate target market populations
  • locate demographic data
  • estimate market size
  • identify best channels for selling products or services

Business Research Competencies

Business Research Competencies

  • Standards from the American Library Association